Our Specializations
Career Counseling
About Career Counseling
Your career development is a lifelong process. There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.
What to Expect
Help you figure out who you are and what you want out of your education, your career, and your life.
Be someone for you to talk to about your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your career and educational choices, who will help you sort out, organize, and make sense of your thoughts and feelings.
Help you identify the factors influencing your career development, and help you assess your interests, abilities, and values.
Help you locate resources and sources of career information.
Help you to determine next steps and develop a plan to achieve your goals.
Tell you what to do, or tell you what career you should pursue.
Your Journey Starts Today!
Don't let your struggles define you. Take that courageous step toward a healthier and happier life.